We have never been in such a dire need of a reform in the history of humanity than we are today. Be it declining climate conditions, mental health issues, rapid extinction of species, wars around the world, pandemics, or gender inequality. Basically, every single aspect of humanity is flawed today. We have dragged a flawed system of societal arrangement since so long now that we stand almost at the verge of collapse. With such horrendous conditions not only prevailing but rapidly spreading, only a complete rollback can help. We can no more spot pick issues and solve them in an isolated manner. We have a mountain to move, and we don’t know where to start from. Not only we don’t know how to bring the change, but majority of humanity is completely oblivious of this dangerous reality.
It is almost like we have been living in a big bubble and now it has grown to a level where it can break anytime. We desperately need to wake up, so that we know we are in a bubble and eventually do something about it.
All current problems can be tied in a common thread which is nothing but man’s lack of self-knowledge. if every single person operates from the right center within themselves everything will fall into place. Its ironical, how in the information age we know so much more than we should know but too little about ourselves. We just do not know enough about ourselves to reveal the center of our actions, let alone talk of changing them. This is the most important mission of all time, along with being the most difficult one because we have become so available to buying the easy and small stuff that we tend to dismiss the truth.
Everything spanning from climate change to increasing non vegetarianism, gender disparity and crimes, world wars, and mental health issues prevalent in youth all around the world today are all a result of man’s ignorance towards himself.
With pandemics, world wars, mental health issues and climate catastrophe at its all-time high, we are anyway going to lose it all very soon. With Emerge Elevated we want to bring a sense of hope that all is not lost, and all of this can be rolled back only if we are willing to change, only if we are willing to listen to our real selves for the last time.
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